We make every effort to get things right, but there may be times when our services do not meet your expectations
Customer opinion is very important to us and we want to hear from you if you feel that we have got something wrong. This can be done by using our complaints process, which provides an oppportunity for us to put things right quickly and effectively.
Ways you can complain
We accept complaints in any of the following ways:
- By telephone on 0208 709 4300
- By Letter to Gateway Housing Association, 409-413 Mile End Road, London, E3 4PB
- By completing our webform.
- By visting our Mile End Head Office, as above, where we will also accept complaints from another person on your behalf, with your permission.
- By email to
The Complaints Process
Our Complaints Process contains two internal stages which aids us in finding a resolution to a complaint as quickly as possible:
Stage One
We will confirm receipt of your complaint within five working days. We will investigate and send you a full response within 10 working days.
Stage Two
If you are not satisfied with our response to stage one, you can move to stage two by contacting us within 12 months. We will refer your complaint to a senior manager of the service who will review the matter. We will send you a written response within 20 working days.
Complaints and Compensation Policies
Click here to read our Complaints Policy.
Click here to read our Compensation Policy.