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Our new residents' magazine: Gateway News

Transitioning from its predecessor, the new "Gateway News" will be a quarterly publication, ensuring you're always up-to-date with the latest from our community. It will be conveniently distributed both online and in print for our residents.


In this edition, delve into a plethora of information including:


  • Exciting plans lined up for 2023.
  • Latest customer updates.
  • Insights into recent repair works.


"Cultivating a sense of community requires more than just brick and mortar. I'm committed to ensuring every page of this magazine resonates with the spirit of our residents. Here's to a journey of shared narratives and a brighter tomorrow."

Anna Scepetilnikova, Editor of Gateway News


Ready for a sneak peek? Click the image below to preview the latest "Gateway News" edition.


Gateway News Autumn 2023


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