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Resident Engagement Opportunities

Resident Engagement

Get involved with helping us to shape the future of your community through our Resident Engagement opportunities


We relaunched our Resident Involvement activities as we are committed to supporting communities to thrive by engaging and involving residents in decisions about how we run our services. To achieve this, we have thought about our approach to engagement, and we have taken into account how life has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic.


To make it easier for our residents, we have now come up with a few different ways that residents can get involved. This involves doing it digitally from your home or having face to face events.


We know great services are shaped through feedback - good or bad. That's why we're always looking at new ways of involving residents in our activities. We are committed to involving and empowering our residents in how we run our services, where there are many ways you can get involved. Opportunities include:


  • Building and Fire Safety Panely
  • Resident's Association
  • Enhanced Housing Forum
  • Gateway's Corporate Strategy
  • Resident Scrutiny Panel
  • MyGateway CX Portal Panel


Please visit our dedicated webpages here to find out more about how to get involved.






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