Moving home
There are lots of reasons for wanting to move home.
We believe you should have every chance to move when you need to.
There are different ways for you to move. You can:
- Apply for a transfer to either a Gateway or a partner social landlord property; or
- Exchange with another tenant
If you are a Gateway tenant, you can apply to transfer to another one of our homes or to another social landlord.
Properties are allocated by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Common Housing Register.
To move home, you will first have to be registered. You can register by completing this application form and returning it to Gateway.
For more information, click here to view the Tower Hamlets Allocation Scheme.
Exchanging with another tenant
You can also move by exchanging your home with another Gateway tenant, a council tenant, or a tenant of another housing association or council.
This could be anywhere in the UK.
This is called a mutual exchange.
Mutual exchanges are done on an 'as seen' basis.
We are a member of an online mutual-exchange scheme called Homeswapper, where you can register.
You cannot move before leaving written permission and conditions do apply.
Sheltered housing
Sheltered housing is for people who are 55 or over.
Find out more about Sheltered Housing here.
Ending your tenancy
You must tell us at least four weeks before you move out of your home. You must fill in a 'Notice of Termination of Tenancy' form which you can get from your Resident Services Specialist.
Alternatively, click here to find the form.
We want to re-let all our homes as quickly as possible. This could mean that we may show people around your home before you move out.
You must return all your keys (including meter cupboard keys) to us when you move out. If you do not, we will charge you if we need to change the locks.
Please make sure you do not leave anything behind and that you leave the property clean and tidy and in good condition. If it is damaged or needs redecorating, you may have to pay for us to put it right. We may also charge you if we have to store or remove any belongings you leave behind.
You must also make sure that you have cleared your rent account and do not owe us any money. Remember to tell the council and your gas, electricity, phone and water suppliers you have moved.
Please let us know your new address in case we need to contact you.
For more information contact our Lettings team on 020 8709 4300.