Security and Flat Entrance Gates
Our concern is for the safety of all residents in the event of fire and metal security gates can slow down any rescue attempt costing the rescue services vital time
- Where gates open on to a communal area, you can obstruct escape for yourself and your neighbours. And where gates are fitted onto the door frame, the integrity of the door and frame can be compromised which causes additional dangers.
- You may also be in breach of your tenancy or lease agreement, as fixing a security feature on to an external wall is outside of the terms of agreements and you may have to remove it and make good to any areas that have been damaged by the fixings.
- If you are a gateway tenant and concerned about the security components of your flat door you can contact us to send a tradesperson to check it for you.
Did you know?
Gates and grilles can endanger life because if a fire occurs, they can trap people, and prevent or hinder the fire brigade from entering and rescuing those inside.