Fat waste and other common drain blockages

Fat waste
Hot fat poured down the sink can cause blockages as it goes solid in water. Try warming the u-bend gently with a hair-dryer. This should soften the fat for a minute and once the water starts to go down, run the hot tap for two minutes to flush it away.
Wet wipes, nappies and sanitary products
Did you know that wet wipes, make up wipes, cleaning wipes and baby wipes are not designed to be flushed down the toilet? They generally are not biodegradable, which means that unlike loo paper when you flush them down the drain, they do not break down and can instead build up in drains and pipes to cause blockages. Always dispose of wet wipes of any kind in the bin.
Nappies and adult sanitary products should not generally be disposed of in the toilet as they can cause blockages. These items should be disposed of well wrapped in the general waste bins.
Reporting a repair
Before contacting us to book a repair, please check the repairs responsibilities to check who is responsible. Please contact us to book the repair here and let us know what reasonable steps have been taken to resolve the issue.